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"How to Get Away With Murder" Plot Twist Leaves Fans in Despair

WARNING! This post contains a HUGE spoiler alert! If you are not up to date with HTGAWM I strongly encourage you to STOP READING!!

While Cole Delbyck makes a valid point in that the revelation of who was under the sheet was none other than the beloved, fan favorite Wes Gibbons, he fails to recognize how this act is one similar to that of Game of Thrones. As an avid watcher of both HTGAWM and GOT, I understand his reference, and I agree to an extent. The death of Wes is a classic move pulled by Rhimes. Any watcher of Grey's Anatomy knows that she is infamous for building characters and making you fall in love with them, and then ripping out your heart when she decides to kill them off. I know the death of McDreamy still makes my heart ache when watching Grey's now, two seasons after this traumatic event.

I'm not saying that the plot twist of killing Wes wasn't completely and totally devastating, I'm just saying unless you have watched GOT, you are not going to understand the reference Delbyck is making. So to bridge that gap for those of you who are unaware, Game of Thrones has many characters to love, many characters to hate, and many characters who don't mean a thing. But the bottom line is, it's all about a game for who is going to take the Iron Throne, so it is only inevitable that there will be many deaths of main characters. All I can say is this, for those of you who have not seen this incredible series, I'll fill you in on a piece of advice:

Do not fall in love with any characters on GOT. As hard as it may be, resit as much as you can. Unless you are totally okay with watching the characters you love grow and develop, and then die a gruesome and heart breaking death--much like our beloved Wes. RIP puppy, you will be missed.

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